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Wild at Heart Expanded Edition

- Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul

  • Format
  • Bog, paperback
  • Engelsk
  • 256 sider


God designed men to seek out adventure. But, somewhere between childhood and the struggles of yesterday, most men lose sight of those dreams. Fear not: bestselling author and counselor John Eldredge is here to teach men that there's a better way to live.

In this updated and expanded edition of the timeless bestseller Wild at Heart, Eldredge unpacks man's search for validation, the need for the development of courage in his soul, and the call to live a life of adventure.

Using discoveries from his own life and backing them with scripture, Eldredge reminds men that although their childhood passions, dreams, and desires may start getting buried under deadlines, pressures, and disappointments, it doesn't have to be this way.

In fact, God made men to embrace a life of courage, adventure, and freedom. He created men to take risks and find true purpose and belonging.

Wild at Heart invites men to experience wholeheartedness by:

Recovering their true masculine heartHealing the wounds and trauma in their storiesDelighting in the wildness they were created to offer the worldDiscovering the life-giving power of natureHelping them to discover the truth about what makes them come alive 

Join Eldredge as he calls men to discover the true secret of the masculine soul and finally start living the life God intended for every man.

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  • Vægt208 g
  • Dybde1,7 cm
  • coffee cup img
    10 cm
    book img
    13,8 cm
    21,1 cm

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