Health Systems in Transition: Canada, Third Edition

  • Format
  • E-bog, ePub
  • Engelsk
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The health care system in Canada receives a great deal of international attention, but it is subject to considerable critique and debate locally. Health Systems in Transition: Canada provides an insightful and objective analysis of the organization, governance, financing, and delivery of health care as well as comparisons between the Canadian system and others internationally.This book draws on a wide range of empirical studies and statistical data within Canada and across comparable countries to provide a thorough description of the many facets of health care in Canada. Drawing on the most reliable and recent data available, this study reveals the strengths and weakness of Canadian health care. This assessment is based on numerous comparisons of Canada to peer countries (Australia, France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States) and among provinces and territories within Canada. It will be of interest to scholars and students in Canada wanting to learn more about the largest and most celebrated public program, and for those outside Canada interested in comparative systems and policy research.

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