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Jacob's second year at school is coming to an end. In class, they learn about the short life of butterflies. Jacob wants to make a butterfly, whose wing markings resemble the big eyes of his severely disabled sister Pearl.
The big brother knows that he must soon say good-bye to his sister, who is spending more and more time in the hospital. With his grandma, Jacob explores his most difficult thoughts, when his parents are too tired to talk. Their joint walks in nature are a consolation, even after Pearl's life has ended.
Jaakon toinen kouluvuosi l hestyy loppuaan. Luokassa tutustutaan perhosten lyhyeen el m n. Jaakko haluaa askarrella perhosen, jonka siipikuviot muistuttavat vaikeasti vammaisen Helmi-siskon suuria silmi .
Isoveli aavistaa, ett h n joutuu pian luopumaan siskostaan, joka on yh useammin sairaalassa. Mummin kanssa Jaakko k y l pi vaikeimpia ajatuksiaan, silloin kun vanhemmat eiv t jaksa. Yhteiset luontoretket lohduttavat silloinkin, kun Helmin el m on jo p ttynyt.